Managed Services

Content Updates and Tech Support
We help you manage your website and keep your site and store updated!

Monthly Managed Services (Remotely Hosted)

$27.95 USD /mo
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If your site is not hosted with XMLA, we can still offer our website assistance service for $25.95 per month. This package includes 1 hour of changes per month. Additional time is only $20 per hour. *You must provide access to existing management portals for us to administrate.

Email only Hosting - Website Remotely Hosted

$26.95 USD /mo
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If your site is not hosted with XMLA, we can still offer our website assistance service for $26.95 per month. This package includes 1 hour of changes per month. Additional time is only $25 per hour. *You must provide access to existing management portals for us to administrate.

Managed Website Hosting (1GB)

$25.95 USD /mo
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XMLA has been keeping our customers online since 1999. We are dedicated to bringing the best possible hosting experience possible with secure email, malware and brute-force protected server infrastructure. This package includes 1 hour per month. Additional time is only $20 per hour.

Managed Services for Dedicated Servers

$99.95 USD /mo
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We help run your dedicated server and offer troubleshooting, access protection and management, permissions repair, script conflicts, email blacklist removal and also anything server or hosted website related.

This package includes 5 hours per month. Additional time is only $20 per hour.


$49.95 USD /mo
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A new managed services tier allowing you to exceed your included monthly hour for additional graphical, video, audio or technical support. 

XMLA+ is for those business' whom XMLA has become invaluable team member at helping support their business with additional support services including managing affiliate payouts, managing and producing podcasts, editing photos and so much more!  XMLA+ is for those who need a seasoned pro at their fingertips to handle tasks they would otherwise have to outsource or hire a new team member to handle.

XMLA+ starts at $49.95/mo. and increases based on the amount of work requested per month.