Bandwidth: 10 TB
Environment: VPS Hybrid
Server: Dual Xenon 8-Core ( Very powerful multi-tasking cpu )
Memory: 4 GB ( plenty of memory to run your dynamic websites )
Monitoring: Proactive ( If our monitoring systems detect an issue, we take immediate steps to remedy it )
Backups: Nightly ( For server-wide disaster recovery only ) ( You can make your own backups via cpanel )
IPS: 2 Dedicated IPs
OS/ Apache / cPanel / WHM (VPS Optimized)
Security: Firewall / CPHulk / 1st Year Economy SSL Included!
1st Year Server Domain Name: Included!
Bandwidth: 10 TB
Environment: VPS Hybrid
Server: Dual Xenon 8-Core ( Very powerful multi-tasking cpu )
Memory: 4 GB ( plenty of memory to run your dynamic websites )
Monitoring: Proactive ( If our monitoring systems detect an issue, we take immediate steps to remedy it )
Backups: Nightly ( For server-wide disaster recovery only ) ( You can make your own backups via cpanel )
IPS: 2 Dedicated IPs
OS/ Apache / cPanel / WHM (VPS Optimized)
Security: Firewall / CPHulk / 1st Year Economy SSL Included!
1st Year Server Domain Name: Included!